The new Carbonite Ultra 4.0 release from Ross provides unprecedented audio integration with video switching to simplify your production workflows and system connectivity.
Carbonite Ultra already distills the best of the Carbonite series into a powerful, compact and affordable solution. The introduction of professional audio production tools via the RAVE engine takes it to the next level.
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As first introduced on our Graphite Platform, the RAVE audio license now allows Carbonite Ultra users to process and mix embedded, analog and AES audio. Equalization, compression and limiting controls will ensure that users can produce pristine sound in tandem with great looking visuals.
The integration of the RAVE audio engine within Carbonite Ultra 4.0 not only provides industry-leading return on investment by consolidating necessary functionality into a single and cost-efficient platform, but it also allows customers to maximize the space they have in their truck or flight pack. Occupying just 1 rack unit, Carbonite Ultra 4.0 eliminates the power, space and cooling required by separate components.
In addition to the integration of audio with video switching, Carbonite Ultra 4.0 includes the addition of 3D borders on all standard DVEs to add extra flair to on-air visuals. Users can manipulate DVE borders to create new looks for their content, adjust the color and perspective of the borders, and use 3D lighting to add depth and dimension as well as fully adjustable shadows.
By popular demand, the Carbonite Ultra 4.0 update includes support for all different frame rates and sees the addition of adjustable delays on all frame-synched inputs in HD and UHD.
To learn more about Carbonite Ultra, our popular mid-size production switcher, click here.
The Carbonite Black Solo Compact production switcher is now more affordable than ever. This already well-priced product is available today at an even lower cost. For more information, visit our product page or our .