This check list is a new on-line offering for 91ÌÒÉ« and is specific to each individual product.
Here is a sample of what could be included …
Acuity/Vision Switcher
Check current version (OS, drivers, external module firmware)
Check status page on frame for any warnings/errors
Check the system status for HDD/Flash health
Check the panel for any warnings/errors
Pull logs and parse for repeatable error message
Check current versions (OverDrive, Horizon, Postgres)
Check Event Viewer (System, Application) logs for warning/errors
Check Available HDD space and clean up anything unnecessary
Check Service tags/serial numbers and confirm if they are eligible for a swap
Check warranty status with Dell
Check Windows Firewall/Defender/Updates to unsure they are configured correctly
Check any third-party Anti-Virus that may be installed to make sure they are setup correctly (no
real-time file scanning/firewall, etc.)
Check the database tuning to make sure the settings are correct for the version they are running
Check the performance in Task Manager to make sure the system is not being taxed and running
low on resources
Check the logs (Server/gateway) for consistent errors/warnings
Do ping tests to check latency with switcher/NRCS/devices
Check that daily backups are configured
Confirm the weekly maintenance is being performed by the customer.
Ensure the Dell transfer of ownership has been performed on all Dell equipment provided by Ross
Confirm there are current backups on the clients and servers
Run Dell diagnostics on the server
Memory test
Intel Processor diagnostics tool
Online diagnostics tool (If internet accessible)